We provide the firewood!

Each cabin has a locally hand crafted steel fire pit, and we provide a fire kit to get you going. Yes, we will replenish at no cost upon request! Fire kit at the fire pit!.

Spring in the Smokys

Love watching everything come to life! This is an old growth apple in the front yard. Hoping for a good yield this year. Last year was a bust, but the year before, the bumper crop made apple sauce, apple butter, apple jelly, apple crisp… Bring it!! Tons of...

Guestbook Entries

The first thing I do on a client’s departure is check the guestbook. Have to make sure we’ve done our job! Nailed it!

Spring has sprung!

Bees are in the apple and pear trees, there are buds on the blueberries! It’s absolutely beautiful today Blueberry buds.  Hoping for enough for a pie this year!